Sunday, December 22, 2013

That Same May, Part 3

Even the new Whole Foods, the amazing emporium that makes me at once feel cynically like a target market—because it’s awesome!  You should go there!  It’s like heaven!--does not make my mom happy…. It’s my local market, a half mile away, and filled with cool young people.  It makes me feel young and prosperous, and there’s something about Ronald, the checkout guy from Folsum, California, the one about whom my daughter asked, “Mommy, did Ronald check you out?”  To which my mom replied, “HEAVENS, no!” And they stared at each other blankly having no idea what the other was staring at them about, while I alone realized the root of the momentary communication respite—between the two of them, someone is always talking. 

But anyway…even the new Whole Foods, paradise…even the fact that I had rappelled down a cliff and tightrope walked two days earlier, getting high literally, which, well, got me high…even all that –it’s, like, a cosmic joke that this Whole Foods is sooo local; I mean, we can walk there!  I go there every day.  I haven’t missed a day since it opened.  EVEN the New Whole Foods doesn't make my mom happy. Today she was fretting that she hadn’t bought a little ceramic creamer that she’d seen, and I enthusiastically offered to run over there and pick it up, right that second! --and I ended up spending $60 on, basically, frozen waffles and cheese popcorn…and I think that’s it. Ok, so it’s overpriced, but I gladly give it out because that place makes me happy. But anyway, my mom is not EVEN happy there, and I let it affect me all week. She's a foodie. I thought she'd love it. 

I am convinced it is Heaven on Earth.  I am convinced that it will always be available to me no matter what happens in the outside world, like this crazy heaven that I will have access to.  I don’t have an impulse to move.  Ever. Where I live right now is a gift from the Universe, and I knew it the moment I first conceived of it.  And I will need to feel like that again, about a place, before I go anywhere.  In the meantime I am planning to be very well taken care of by the Universe, in the form of the Kingsbury Whole Foods, which sucks me in like an overpriced amusement park. I accept, with gratitude.

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